Auto landing with chute.

Hello friends.

I'm trying to make my maja landing on parachute in a more perfect way (not like now). At the moment i use a mission like this:


So, the land waypoint and the waypoint where the chute should be opened are located close to each other to make APM shutting the throttle, but to tell the truth sometimes it doesn't work well especially in windy conditions.

If i put DO_SET_SERVO after LAND it doesn't work (because there is no more active nav waypoint this way)

I wonder if it is possible to make it more perfectly? That would be ideally to firstly shut down the throttle then delay for about 3-5 seconds and then the DoSetServo action. Maybe it is possible to modify the LAND procedure in the code somehow?

Thanks )

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  • Developer

    This is fairly easy to do if you are willing to get in and modify the code a bit.  I did it recently for the Sparkfun AVC competition with good results.  I just modified the command handling for DO_SET_SERVO so that it would perform specific functions if the specified servo number were 9 or 10.  If 9 it would kill the throttle and if 10 it would release the parachute.  Then just end the mission with two DO_SET_SERVO commands and no Land command.

    Unfortunately, as the parachute requirement was a one time thing, I have not saved that code.  However, it took probably only a dozen or so lines of code, and you can easily do something similar.

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