Hi there!

My name is Fede and I a new user in the APM world. During my years in the hobby, I have made several developments related with multirotors and other cheaper control boards, like the hobbyking one, but I have never programmed this ArduPlane code before.

For my last year project at the university, I am supposed to modify the arduplane code in order to allow a flying wing with two motors to perform a vertical take off. The two motors are placed at the same level (not as the Google Flying Wing) and they are attached to two servos, so they have the ability to move up and down but the angle will be always the same in the two motors but just in the opposite direction.

I have spent several days studying the arduplane code and I realized that probably the better idea in order to reach my goal is to copy the STABILIZE mode but changing some variables. For example the nav_pitch_cd has to be set at -90º insted of 0º, and the servos that control the motor's angle should play the same role as the servos that control the ROLL in a regular fixed wing plane.

As I am just a beginner, the fact of modifying the code is being difficult for me, the PID tunning and the servos' function selection are a clear example of my difficulties. So any help is really appreciated!

¿What are your recommendations? ¿Should I create a new flight mode or modify one the has been already created? ¿Has anybody done any work related in this direction?

I have attached one schematic image of the aircraft in this comment.

Thanks for the help in advance!

Fede Paredes.



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  • So are you waying that the motors pivot like ailerons?? Always the same angle but in opposite directions (like ailerons)?

    If this is the case you will have no pitch control and crash.  You would need to setup the servos as elevons to get pitch and roll.

    The biggest problem you will have is that the aircraft will be inherently unstable and you will need a seriously good controller and sensors to stop it tipping (this is why you don't see bicopters).

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