
    • Brilliant! Like a little Me 163 =)

      A larger wing is looking more practical all the time.


  • Skywalker X-8


    • Thanks, Marcin!  I didn't realize the wings came off for transport.

    • Admin


      I have built one of those for a client.

      Just remember you have to pull the aileron cables out of the fuse to remove the wings.

      Most users of this flying wing use a catapult.

      This plane is huge and is very difficult to hand launch.



    • Good tips, Thomas, thanks!  I hadn't considered launch issues -- I was hoping to be able to toss it.


      That video is terrifying and hilarious!

    • I agree with Marcin and Thomas.

      The Skywalker X8 is simply too big to be just hand launched.

      In my first trials and I almost got it ruined in the front and in the wing joints. A disaster.
      I decided to make a ramp catapult, but sincerelly, it's far more efficient just by launching it from the hand with an elastic cord, not to mention the space that the catapult would take in the back of the car.

      I've bought a 10m elastic cord from a bricolage store that was supposed to be used to wrap baggages in cars and the specs say it can withstand up to 150kg of weight. It's short and super strong.
      After having seen "thousands" of youtube videos on Youtube, I have to confess that I haven't seen a better launch than mine.
      The damn thing just shoots away from my hand (without any throttle) straight like a rocket just with a few paces back. Easier its impossible, and I'm a n00b with such big planes!

      The elastic cord is 10m long with 10mm diameter and it cost me 15€.

      It's like this:



    • Great tip, António.


    • Admin


      The member who built the X8 did not check control surface movement in FBWA Mode so the plane did not respond like it did in the Manual Mode.



    • That'll do it.

    • Bungee is sufficient.

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