Issues with YAW

So, I took the Y6 out for a spin this weekend, and i am now having some issues with the Y6 keeping steady on the yaw axis.  It is actually wondering, and the rudder stick input is not correcting enough.  Any ideas as to what it may be?  I already recalibrated everything, so it's not that.  Any recommended PID values for yaw?  I fiddled a bit with these looking for a bit more command from rudder input, but I do not remember the default values (which were a bit weak to start with, to be honest), so any help on where to start here would help me...


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    • These are my PID's values as of now (have not yet finished doing autotuning; it was really windy at first, and today, with the YAW drifting, I decided to just land the thing and come back another day).


  • I just use the 3DR defaults and it works well for me. Can't recall the values though. Have you done any work where you may have swapped the top and bottom control inputs for any ESCs or motors since your last good flight?

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