Arducopter Mission Waypoint 2 fail

on the attached log the quad failed to head for mission point number 2 so i aborted and flew it home.

Compass is working as expected and GPS had 10 satellites.

At waypoint 1 when it reached 100 metres it appears to loop around - you can see this when you play the log.

Any idea what happened here?




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  • Developer

    GPS also looks pretty ok with 10 sats and hdop aroudn 1.5 (shown as 150 in the logs) which is in the acceptable range.


  • Developer


         The WPNAV_RADIUS is set to 3000 (=30m) which is very large.  The speed up and down have been increased to 3m/s down and 5m/s up.

         You've got some compass interference but it's not terrible, I would have thought that it was within the acceptable range I think (less than 30% ideally, up to 60% often works) but from looking at the desired mission and actual mission it's just got to be the compass that is the problem.  Your compassmot is disabled by the way.

    3692771610?profile=original3692771628?profile=originalIf you have dataflash logs I'll be able to see more details about the navigation controller and what it's doing.

  • Developer

    Hi Damo, i think you have some parameters wrong, the quad surpass the waypoint and try to recover.
    WP_SPEED to high, bad magnetism, accel not well calibrated, "compassmot" not tuned, or other.
    Please post here your parameters file and the flashlog if you want a better analysis.


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