Beeping and Twitching ESC/Motors


I received my factory built 3DR Hexacopter a couple of weeks ago. I was working through the start-up checklist (installing radio receiver, calibrating the radios etc.) and when I got to Calibrating ESCs I was not having any luck. I read everything I could on the but was not getting anywhere.

After several days of trying different combinations of steps and actions I think that I finally got the ESCs calibrated by decreasing the throttle trim by about 50% and also moving the throttle from Max to Min very quickly (<1 second). 

Now, when I connect the flight battery pack, all six of the ESCs/Motors beep continuously and the motors “twitch”.  Then after about 30 seconds one of the six ESCs/Motors will stop beeping and its associated motor will stop twitching.  Then after about another 30 seconds a second ESC/Motor will stop beeping and its associated motor will stop twitching.  This pattern will continue until after about three minutes all six of the ESCs/Motors will have stopped beeping and the Motors will have stopped twitching.  Then I can ARM the APM and advance the throttle causing the motors to spool up.  I confirmed that moving the sticks on the transmitter cause the motors to change speeds so the next step was to see if it would fly.  I am happy to say that it does fly and seems to be quite stable. 

The ESC/Motor beeping and twitching issue still happens every time that I connect the flight battery pack but sometimes the timing and order that the motors “initialize” are different.  How can I fix this issue?  Is there any risk of flying the Hexacopter when it initializes like this?  Are there different (better) instructions that I should be following?

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    Threre are many videos on youtube on how to calibrate esc's to your rx

    moving the trottle while it doing it isnt normally how its done


    .put the throttle to max

    .turn on radio

    .hook up power to quad

    after the motors all beep to signal the process  reduce throttle to zero

    it will do another beep to tell you its finished

    then disconnect the flight battery



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