Bug in mission planning to set altitude?

I used Mission Planner to plan simple waypoints missions. But it was a problem to use CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT command. I couldn't set the Rate (1st parameter) more than 80 cm/sec. Also the Alt parameter (the last one) wasn't stored (or transfered) to APM at all. I set the Alt, for instance, 100, used "Write WPs", but after I read WP back the Alt parameter is always zero. What I made wrong?

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  • Developer

    I've never used that command before.  I pretty much just stick to waypoints, RTL, TAKEOFF and ROI.  It sounds like a bug.  Sometimes, because we internally store all commands as waypoints, we can't keep all the information that's sent in the mavlink message.  This is what you're seeing when you write a value but then when you read it back it's zero...it's because we didn't process that field when we were converting it to a waypoint to store into the eeprom.

    We have some vague plans to try and fix it but eeprom space is also very limited considering all the other parameters we need to store.

    By the way, what were you trying to accomplish?  Maybe you can just set a waypoint including it's altitude instead?

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