Get GPS position every 500ms seconds

Hey guys,

I would like to receive the GPS position from the Arducopter every 500ms. I think the copter is sending the gps position every 2 seconds as default. Where is it possible to change or implement this?

The copter is connected via telemetry and I need the 500ms to improve the Position Hold mode.

Thanks for your help!


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  • Moderator

    See Configuration/Planner/Telemetry Rates - Position. This is where you would usually adjust how often the position data is sent to your ground control station/APM Mission Planner.

    But changing that does nothing to improve your position hold mode. Position hold, like all of the flight modes, are handled by the APM, not by the ground control software...

  • Moderator

    Why do you want to send the position data over telemetry twice a second? 

    How would having that information at the GCS/Mission Planner help improve your position hold?

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