Hardware needed

Hello how are you..

I purchased year ago, one quadcopter (pictures below) with a 2.4 ghz manual control.

I plain to use this for aereal photography, but i need the folowing:


- GPS based mission planning software, and return to base.

- zoom and shoot control

- communications with base station for online video.

Anybody help me on what i need to purchase to place the order? 






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  • it looks like you have a FC on which looks upside down are you flying that one?if you just want to shoot pics you can just use it then start adding stuff

  • T3
    Looks like all you need is APM 2.5 flight board and GPS module. I'd also recommend 3DR telemetry so you can track and log flights from a laptop base station. Checkout the online store at DIY Drone.
    Good luck,
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