Hi all,
I finally got my multicopter built and I am trying to connect my JR XG8 receiver to the Pixhawk PPM port directly. I have been using a PPM encoder but I would like to ditch it. Has anyone been able to successfully run their quad with a JR xbus mode B receiver connected directly? I know the order is different on the xbus compared to the sbus but I am trying to figure out the modification i have to do on the Pixhawk code.
The quad is build of pretty much 3dr parts (880KV motors). I was planning to use carbon fiber props but the Hobbyking ones are not exactly balanced (Have to work on balancing them). Using the 3dr props as of now.
What's your progress?
I'm going to use my JR XG14 radio with APM but APM has no xBUS support (technically there's no opensource implementations of xBus =(
I haven't used the xbus option and ended up using the ppm encoder. The difference in SBUS (what the Pixhawk can take) and XBUS is the order the channels are sent. I THINK SBUS sends data in the following order:
While XBUS mode B follows:
If you can change the variables on Arducopter to take the other order you might be able to use XBUS.
I had come across these links during my search and I hope it helps:
Hope this helps and let me know if you get anywhere beyond what I have.