I have the 2400 mah and I was connected in 3S'2P I got total Amp's about 4800 mah but when I was connected to my quad the thrust is not producing but my motors are rotating the conclusion I don't get enough RPM to produce lift so I need a suggestion from any body help !
One more thing even though I was checked with my lipo checker when I'am giving full throttle at that particular time the battery get decrease value from 12.3V to directly 10V but again I was disarmed and checked one more time through lipo checker it's showing 12.1 V I don't understand what is happening ?
Fully Confused , HELP
LiIon are a 2C delivery system. This means that if your ship is not designed to be so light weight that it will fly for over an hour, it won't fly well. As noted below, two things are happening:
- let's say your ship requires 300 watts to fly
- the battery is 10ish volts under load
- you then try to draw 300 watts / 10ish volts or 30 amps from the battery but at full throttle, amps only go to 20.
- in addition, the chemistry of the battery becomes overloaded and begins to collapse, because the draw is > 2C.
Increasing the battery size won't likely help because that adds weight and takes more watts. So your solutions are to either:
1) lighten the ship so it's designed to fly for more than an hour
2) use higher C LiPo batteries
Thanks Forrest ! for the kind information.
The lift is not produced because your battery voltage drops too low under load.
As Gustav said the motors require more current than the batteries can deliver, so the voltage drops, and the motors spin too slowly, hence not enough lift.
To use those batteries you would probably need to run 3S4P or more.
What quad, what motors, what propellers ?
Your Lipo Checker is telling you that you are drawing much more current than your batteries can supply.
3DR standard quad, the old blue motor one, draws about 18 A flying.
I have 1000 kv motor , 10*4.5 prop but I'am asking why the lift is not producing ?