Mavlink connection

Hi I am trying to connect in mission planner 1.3.5 it downloads the fw and installs ok but when I try to connect it times out with no mavlink connection no heartbeatCan anyone give me some advise please.Many thanks for you help in advance.

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  • Ok here how to setup a Mavlink:

    Insert in a free usb slot (I have on my desk for such occasions) your Ground Mavlink (The one with the USB) and install the drivers. Now open up mission planner and go up to the com ports and select whatever com your mavlink is on. An easy way to do this is to hit the drop down menu and then see what com ports come up with the mavkink USB end plugged pull ir out and hit the drop down list again. whatevers missing is going to be your mavlink so plug it in and select that com port, then set the baud rate to 57600 (Thats the speed the mavlink uses)

    Now find a good place for it on your quad and go ahead and attach it. Make sure your apm has power to it, and the mavlink is plugged into the telemetry port. Now plug the battery in, go back to your computer and hit connect. Assuming all else is right then it should connect.

  • MR60

    Look over these comments.  Some of us had the exact same problem.

    If the cause of your problem is the same as mine, you can find out by disconnecting the GPS/Mag from the PixHawk.  If that solves your problem, then connect the GPS, but not the mag.  Test.  Then connect the mag and test.  If it is the Mag, then contact 3DR for a return.  Also, if you have an old intetgrated GPS/Mag, you can connect that instead and test.

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