MiniOSD mixed up Character

As anybody come across this problem...After updating to Mini OSD Extra 800 and upgrading the characters set the information on the screen doesn't much look like the basic set-up... The horizon doesn't show like a line but mix up of various characters that change with the copter's angle

Also what should be the correct OSD firmware version for AC v3.2.1?....3691275535?profile=original

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  • Sometimes the character data is corrupted when loading, especially if the voltage is not high enough.

    I usually plug my FTDI into a powered hub rather than the computer to be sure it gets good current.

    A reload usually fixes it for me.

    Unless the character set you chose is incompatible.

    • Thanks Mike...I re uploaded the character set, that came with the installation,  a few time but never through a hub...I managed to solve the problem by going back to the old Arducam 2.20 software and all works great...It gives me all the telemetry I need...

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