Problem connecting RX and beeping motor

Been flying my Arducopter for some time now.
Two days ago I had a quite bad crash, but things seemed alright except for a broken motor mount, much of the snow around here broke the fall.

However, when I tried to start the copter again, three of the motors is beeping with intervals of 1-2 seconds.

When I run the CLI - > SETUP -> MOTORS, none of the four motors moves.

Also, a weird issue which can be related (?) whenever the APM is connected with a USB cable, and I try to connect the RX power cables to the APM the APM switches off and disconnects. I have checked the soldering, nothing is wrong there I think.

Thanks in advance for help!
Best regards,

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  • Alright I managed to 'resolve' all the above errors, with your help. However, now I have a bigger problem;

    only one of the 4 motors answers to the CLI setup-motors test command.

    They will spin if I connect the controller and arm it, but somehow something must be wrong. Also, when the ESCs arent connected to the APM they are supposed to beep when the battery is connected, only the one who spins is beeping. Anyone has an idea of what might be wrong?

    PS: Any ESC attached to the ESC port that 'works' will spin/beep, but none of the others. Everything used to work before, but it doesent now. Anybody has any clues? Is the power distribution board messed up?

    Best regards,

  • T3
    Check continuity and make sure you don't have a short somewhere. Use an ohm meter that beeps while testing continuity. Make sure + goes to + and - goes to -.
  • MR60


    Did you calibrate the ESCs ?

    When you connect an ESC directly to CH3 receiver's output, does it work ?

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