Hello everyone i am new to this group, and i am writing because I have a problem with the interface for the ROS arducopter and also wanted to better understand the things that I am not clear on this subject.

I'm writing my graduation thesis, and I'm working on quadrorotor automated using the ROS, in the beginning I focused on Parrot AR.Drone 2.0, but now now I'm focused dell'arducopter.

My setup is Ubuntu 12.04 and ROS Fuerte, I own an AR.Drone 2.0 but NOT own a arducopter.

The first problem is with the interface roscopter, I followed all the instructions on http://code.google.com/p/roscopter/

but when I go to run the command:

nodes / roscopter.py - device = / dev/ttyUSB1 - rate = 57600 - enable-control = true

I get the error: Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "nodes / roscopter.py", line 7, in <module>
     import roscopter.msg
   File "/ home / joe / fuerte_workspace / roscopter / nodes / roscopter.py", line 7, in <module>
     import roscopter.msg
ImportError: No module named msg

The error is in the import roscopter.msg, and in fact inside the folder there is no msg file "roscopert.msg" I have to define it? in what way? how?

The second problem is that I have to figure out which topic should I write in order to execute the commands of TakeOff, Land, various movements etc ... For example, with the 2.0 ardrone to make a takeoff was enough to send a message "std_msgs / Empty" on the topic "/ ardrone / takeoff" with the command on the terminal of ubuntu: rostopic pub -1 / ardrone / takeoff std_msgs / Empty How does works for the roscopter?

Another thing that i want to figure is the role of MAVLink, and how does works .

Thank you very much in advance and sorry for my English

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  • Hi,

    I am getting the following error while building roscopter using cmake
    Creating the toplevel cmake file failed: Could neither symlink nor copy file "/opt/ros/groovy/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake" to "/home/ravi/catkin_ws/src/CMakeLists.txt":

    I follwed the instructions from the following link: https://github.com/cberzan/roscopter

    Please someone help me to make it up and running.

    Thanks in advance.
    ROS interface for Arducopter using Mavlink 1.0 interface. - cberzan/roscopter
  • Did you rosmake the package? That should have generated the required files for importing within your python code. The message file should be in the msg/ folder

    For operations such as takeoff, you'll have to implement it yourself. A simple way to do this would be to write a method that performs the arming operation, either through a MAVLINK API call (that might not be implemented on the arducopter side), or using RC override and sending a low throttle and full right yaw command for 5 seconds.

    Hope that helps.

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