RTL Issues

You guys have been incredibly helpful so far and I greatly appreciate it. After flying about 15 or so light missions and 1 decent crash, I've rebuilt and made some adjustments and have a couple of questions that I just can't seem to find expert answers for. If anyone could help shed some light on them, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

  1. Flash Log Review - I've had a few instances of my drone running off and folks pointed to vibration as a likely culprit. I installed my APM on the top board of my F450 with a layer of moongel. Since the moongel doesn't have an adhesive per say, I lightly strapped it with a velcro strap just to keep it in position but hopefully not enough to transfer a bunch of vibration. My logs seem to put me right at the acceptable limit. My question is this. On my past 2 flights, I put the drone through its modes starting in stabilize, to alt hold, to loiter, to stabilize, to draft, to sport. Once I test each out, I have setup a throttle cut switch to drop channel 3 PID to 900 and I have a failsafe set for 950 and RTL. The drone climbs and then on either instance, it just found some random direction to go to and then land itself. The second time yesterday was nearly on the top of a house that was about 75 yards from where it took off. I'm curious if someone could review the log and see if they can find anything. I see a couple ERR_BATT codes but I'm not sure if that is a code being generated by a true error or if I'm triggering it by cutting throttle. 
  2. Power Module - I'm using the 3DR module and I have setup it's warning at 10.7v and 0 mah. I'm using a 3S 3000mah battery. Could that be playing to the issue above? 
  3. Tuning - I've not gone through any of the tuning steps to address custom PID. I'm going to go through the wiki, is it the consensus that that the best resource generally speaking? 

Thanks again guys! Everyone have a happy holiday and trouble free flights :)


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  • 3D Robotics
    You're in a GPS lost failsafe condition. Because you went in RTL (a GPS mode) with poor GPS, you triggered the failsafe and it just landed. It won't leave that condition until good GPS is regained
    • Thanks for the advice, I believe I have found my setup issue. I also see that that location was particularly horrible for flying via GPS. My normal flying zone currently is showing me 11 sats with a HDOP of 1.5.  I'm going to give it a go on Friday and see if I have it further fleshed out. Thanks again!

  • 3D Robotics

    You've got an Error Code 6 at line 10113 of your log. That error code is "unable to enter RTL" That's probably because your GPS data is very poor: 7 sats, 2.34 HDOP

    • Thanks for pointing me in the right direction on this. I'll begin some due diligence on this topic. Do you have any idea why when it is landing itself, it won't let me retake control. I tried switching it back to stabilize to regain control and get it back to me but it wasn't having it. It would just sit down wherever it was. The only way to get control of it was to walk over, unplug the battery and rearm.   Even after it had landed, I was unable to rearm unless I unplugged. Kind of had a mind of its own which wasn't ideal since it nearly landed itself on a house.  

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