I changed APM for a Pixhawk (chinesse) and now, telemetry works with Tower but in OSD doesn't show values (current, gps, rssi, etc. All looks in 0, I check and re-check connections, I change rx and Tx wires in case, but nothing, any ideas what have wrong?
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I set this values https://code.google.com/p/minimosd-extra/wiki/APM
Do you use a Y cable from telem port1 or telem port 2?
Now I change some sr2 params and current reading gps and altitude appears, rssi is still not working, I'm going to check outside tomorrow, If I have soldering problems it suposse that or I have all data or nothing no?, no sense to disassemble the wires now.
Now I change some sr2 params and current reading gps and altitude appears, rssi is still not working, I'm going to check outside tomorrow, If I have soldering problems it suposse that or I have all data or nothing no?, no sense to disassemble the wires now.
I found this answer and I have to check what happens connecting and disconecting GCs http://ardupilot.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=13806
Also, try resetting the minimosd on the minimosd as well as in mission planner.
Thank's, I try but nothing happen
Have you flushed the MiniOSD with the correct firmware?
That's a good question, I have the same that I was using with APM and 3.2.1
Pls check if XML configuration data strings
are in chinese.