Im trying to get telemetry running via a 2G4 Xbee PRO and 3DR interface boards bought from Build Your Own Drone.
The settings are:
Air interface set to MST (don't quite understand that term because I guess it's just to select 5V input voltage)
Interface Data Rate is set to 115200 and at the moment I have set Power Level to lowest (because I have the units 1 m apart during test)
I have tried different channels without any difference and the Xbee Retries which is set to 6 was just another attempt to get better results (but no difference)
If I try CLI over Xbee it looks something like this:
The above output is from hitting <Enter> ? <Enter> and obvious a lot of characters is missing or wrong.
I have not soldered CTS and 5V together on the air interface because there is a wire connecting it to the APM so I guess that was something that should be done when using it on pre 2.0 APM's
I have newer used Xbee before so any ideas to whats wrong in the setup?
Ok answer to myself.
The baudrate on the APM is set to 57600 (not 115200). What did confuse me was that I could get some correct data both ways even when the Xbee were at 115200 (I have not figured out why?)