I have a tricopter setup and after the maiden flight I noticed it doesn't seem to climb out very well. I know I'm not overweight or underpowered , when I calibrate the ESC's and after calibration before restarting the APM hold the copter in my hand and run the throttle up it has ALOT of thrust, after I reboot the APM and arm the copter i can hold it ion my hand and run the throttle up and it has maybe 2/3 the power as before …. where am I loosing this throttle ??
I'm running 30 amp RCtimer OPTO sec's
also on a side note after the second time I ran calibration my motors no longer spin slowly after arming ….also I'm running a Turnigy 9x transmitter and I have to have the throttle reversed for it to work correctly…. is that normal….
From what I've been reading on the forums, it seems the OPTO's are not a good fit for the APM as they can't be calibrated. Check this thread out, you may be able to change the range on the APM to fit the Opto's, not sure though. http://www.diydrones.com/group/arducopterusergroup/forum/topics/qua...
You also might try this, but I"m not sure it works with the Opto's - http://youtu.be/gYoknRObfOg
sweet I will try this! Thanks!
to no avail....it must be the opto esc's
are you doing this in stabilize mode or in alt hold/ loiter ?
stabilize mode , I had this apm in a quad copter before and I was also using a q-grain 4 in 1 esc I didn't experience any problems climbing out with the quad same motors and props.
you might trouble-shoot and use the q-brain to see if the new esc's are the problem. i use the q-brain setup on both my tricopters.