Up and down like a yoyo

Well I haven't used my APM2 Mega purple for a while, it always flew OK but I could never quite get the position and rtl to work right after upgrading the firmware

I decided to get it out of the shed and make sure it's ready to fly as I was going to sell it, at first it was OK but then the motors seemed to rev up without any input from me

I'm guessing that as it was in stable mode that the baro was forcing the motor input


Is it possible there's something wrong with the baro ?

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  • OK I have sorted it (I think)

    I upgraded the firmware to 2.7.3 and went through all the settings (yet again) and it doen't seem to yoyo now

    Very odd as it hasn't been altered since it was last flying OK

    For reference here is a video taken this morning with the 2.6.x firmware it was running




    Couldn't really test it much since 2.7.3 as it's raining here but thanks for the help

  • 3D Robotics
    Have you covered the baro as shown in the manual? Also you should be using 2.7.3 or later software.
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