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  • @Arehead

    I have been messing around and come to find out.  As soon as I plug the battery in, that ESC that is on the motor will not make the correct sounds.  I have plugged the same ESC in a different motor and come to find out it works great.  Then tried another ESC with the motor I think is bad and it started doing to the same thing.  I think the motor is bad.  Is there a way to check?

  • Thank you Aerhead. 

    I think my first problem is the programming.  After calibration the radio and other things Do I need to upload that information to the APM?  If you haven't guessed this is my first.

  • T3


    If you have a motor that twitches it's caused by a bad connection in one of the three wires that are between the motor and the ESC.  Or the motor is bad or the ESC.  A bad connection is usually the cause.  If you give too much throttle while trying to start a twitching motor you have a bad ESC very quickly.


  • @Andrew,  thank you.  I was just wondering.  I haven't made it that far yet.  I am still trying to calibrate the ESC's and not having very good luck with that.  I am currently trying to setup manually.

  • Now I am not quite sure what has happen now.  I tried the calibration on the ESC's and now one of them fires up on low position and another just twitches.

  • @Bradley, there is a 4-wire connector that sends the PWM servo signals from the APM to the power distribution board, and the mapping to motors can be changed by re-soldering the leads from this connector to the correct spots on the power distribution board.  I made a mistake with that on my build at first, it is fairly easy when working on the board upside-down.

    While it would be possible to change this mapping in software, it is best to correct the wire connections so that the standard software configuration can be used.

  • I have a question that should be pretty simple.  I am setting up the motors on my new 3dr quad.  If the motors are not in the right postion.  Like let say No.1 needs to be NO. 3.  How can I change this so that the mapping is correct?

  • I am going to order the ArduCopter Hexa KIT v1.0, Pre-Soldered Flight electronics kit with the larger motors and the 12" props. My question is this, should I add a BMP085 is a high-precision, ultra-low power barometric pressure sensor and a MB1200 XL-MaxSonar-EZ0 High Performance Ultrasonic Range Finder. I will be using this as a camera platform in the future once I become proficent at controlling the craft.I am also adding osd and fpv.Any comments would be helpful.

    Thanks, dhauer

  • Can you fly around in a Altitude hold?  That way if your trying to learn then the ground doesn't become your enemy.

  • 10-4.  Thanks.  I was asking because I have not yet recieved my battery for the quad and was going to use my power supply to do the calibrations of the motors and getting everything loaded.

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Drone flying to non visible point

Hi there,I encountered a problem, while flying in auto mode, with approching to point that was not set by trajectory and is not visible after downloading mission from flight controller by Mission Planner. Does anybody encountered similar problem. The situation is that in the middle flight I stopped the UAV and uploaded new mission and after changing to auto mode it starts to fly in some direction. It goes straight to some point, so I assume it's not mechanical problem. I attached the link to…

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Hi,Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can do some operations like:takeoff,left ,right,forward,backward…and i am not using GPS…Can anyone please help me…

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1 Reply · Reply by tellinglean Oct 17, 2022

HELP quadcopter: one motor twitching and stuttering

Hello guys,I have a problem with one motor, do not spin and making a sound (videos in attachment), I changed the motor to another ESC and is work, so I checked the connections on ESC and all connections looking great. any ideas or something I can do, iam trying to build YMFC32 Brokking .thank youhttps://youtu.be/LagBqwGbixkhttps://youtu.be/PU20nCxApcs

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Will AHRS_ORIENTATION=8 for Arducopter 3.2.1 on APM 2.5 using a traditional Heli

I have been Reading Chris Olsen posts and watching his videos on Arducopter with traditional Helis using a Pixhawk.I have inherited an older Trex 450 heli with the old Align 3G FBL hardware.  The FBL controller appears to be bad.  So I have an old APM 2.5 without a compass or GPS on board.  I just want to replace the failed Align 3G FBL system with the APM.Now I have to mount the APM under the skids on the heli so the APM will be upside down.I have Two questions.1)  Is the AHRS_ORIENTATION=8…

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