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  • @Randy
    THANKS. I was extremely worried that my programming could have created some problem with the power distribution and inadvertently fried the apm.

    But now, we realized that our NEW program allows the apm to function properly (i.e. board powers up, ESCs arm, motors respond to throttle input). However, uploading the regular ArduCopter 2.7.3, the motors stay in calibration mode (consistent beeping), regardless of what we do. Do you know why?

    As for ESC overheating, is it caused by malfunctioning power distribution?


  • Developer

    @Zachary re frying board through errors in the arducopter program,

        I don't think that's possible.  For things like an ESC where you've got large voltages that are being controlled by the firmware it's possible but as for the arducopter software, it's just running a program that changes signal out to ESCs, xbees, etc so I can't imagine how that could happen.

  • Is it possible to fry your apm board through errors in the arducopter program?

  • How to add a flight mode of my own. .. ??

  • Developer

    @Lucas re obstacle avoidance,

        Somebody asked that same question on the sonar wiki earlier today, i guess it's a popular thing that people want.  We don't support that at the moment and no specific plans to add it although it wouldn't be too difficult.  People would have to buy at least 4 more sonars though..$120-ish..not terrible i guess.

  • What are the features that can be realised for an Arducopter? 
    Are there something like obstacles avoidance?

  • Developer

    @Bradley re what is the pwm coming out of RX.  If you have your APM connected to the mission planner, go to the configuration screen, radio configuration screen and below or beside each of the green bars you will see the raw pwm value.

  • Could somebody tell me what the PWM is coming out of a RX.  I don't have my scope anymore so I really don't have a way of telling.  I needed to see what the range is coming out of my futaba radio..

  • Bonjour,

    une petite question: avec Mission Planner 1.2.11 comment avoir la fonction "Prefetch" ? le bouton a disparu!!3692505864?profile=original


  • Hmm, we've just received another bigger, heavier, more powerful quad. It was passed down to us from a couple of people who have flown it fine before.

    After re-assembling it, we tested it's flight. During rolling, the motors on the relevant side are supposed to power up to allow it to roll, however one does not do this. This is the same when rolling in either direction. Does anyone know a fix for this?

    Thanks. X)

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Drone flying to non visible point

Hi there,I encountered a problem, while flying in auto mode, with approching to point that was not set by trajectory and is not visible after downloading mission from flight controller by Mission Planner. Does anybody encountered similar problem. The situation is that in the middle flight I stopped the UAV and uploaded new mission and after changing to auto mode it starts to fly in some direction. It goes straight to some point, so I assume it's not mechanical problem. I attached the link to…

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Hi,Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can do some operations like:takeoff,left ,right,forward,backward…and i am not using GPS…Can anyone please help me…

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1 Reply · Reply by tellinglean Oct 17, 2022

HELP quadcopter: one motor twitching and stuttering

Hello guys,I have a problem with one motor, do not spin and making a sound (videos in attachment), I changed the motor to another ESC and is work, so I checked the connections on ESC and all connections looking great. any ideas or something I can do, iam trying to build YMFC32 Brokking .thank youhttps://youtu.be/LagBqwGbixkhttps://youtu.be/PU20nCxApcs

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Will AHRS_ORIENTATION=8 for Arducopter 3.2.1 on APM 2.5 using a traditional Heli

I have been Reading Chris Olsen posts and watching his videos on Arducopter with traditional Helis using a Pixhawk.I have inherited an older Trex 450 heli with the old Align 3G FBL hardware.  The FBL controller appears to be bad.  So I have an old APM 2.5 without a compass or GPS on board.  I just want to replace the failed Align 3G FBL system with the APM.Now I have to mount the APM under the skids on the heli so the APM will be upside down.I have Two questions.1)  Is the AHRS_ORIENTATION=8…

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