"Updates!Our 4th wing design flew. As a proof of concept, it works.No control surfaces, 4 motors, covers 100m in approximatly 3 seconds.
Transmitter control scheme has been successfully changed.VTOL-copter now flies at 90deg pitched forward for…"
"@Brint Thanks for the suggestion! It looks pretty neat.I am flying a custom frame so my team will have to design our own mount. How's the response of the servos for you? Are you using the ones available on the website as well?I take it your servos…"
"Hey guys,
I was thinking of throwing an actively stabilizing camera rig onto my VTOL copter. Anyone has experience with camera-servo rigs? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. X)"
"@Jani Sorry for the lack of description. I meant to change the "stabilized" pitch angle (such that the quad would be "stabilizing" towards a vertical position rather than horizontal).Eg:Regular quad position while hovering in stabilize:…"
"I'm trying to change the "reference" for the stabilize function from eg: 90deg to 180deg.
Can anyone proficient in understanding the ArduCopter program point me to where I should be looking?Your help would be much appreciated."
Hmm. Do you mean using Mission Planner to upload the 2.7.3 firmware erases the existing radio calibration?
If that's the case, we should not have to redo the radio calibration since we uploaded both 2.7.3 and our custom program through the…"
"@MaroonedThe team moved from the 2.7.3 to our custom program without performing radio calibration and did not have any problems. But moving back, the 2.7.3 produced no response.If shifting from one firmware to the next did not give any problem,…"
"@RandyTHANKS. I was extremely worried that my programming could have created some problem with the power distribution and inadvertently fried the apm.But now, we realized that our NEW program allows the apm to function properly (i.e. board powers…"
"Today, we're looking at replacing Simple Mode flight with our "transited mode". On the ArduCopter 2.7.3, is Simple Mode found under "case ROLL_PITCH_TOY" or "ROLL_PITCH_STABLE_OF"? The ArduCopter wiki says it should be ROLL_PITCH_SIMPLE, but that…"
"So we've made changes to the attitude.pde and the radio.pde to test the angle limits of our quad. The amended program compiles and uploads to the APM just fine. However, when we try to use Mission Planner to connect to the APM, it always fails. The…"
"Hmm, we've just received another bigger, heavier, more powerful quad. It was passed down to us from a couple of people who have flown it fine before.
After re-assembling it, we tested it's flight. During rolling, the motors on the relevant side are…"
Hello people!A group of friends and I set out on a project for school. We're extremely ambitious and face a tight deadline. I am really keen on accomplishing this and was hoping to find some support here.Basically, we would like to merge the body of…
"Hi guys,
I'm relatively new to the arducopter/plane scene (just started in June). A group of friends and I are trying something ambitious as our first project that requires some coding which I am supposed to do. I was hoping to find some help/people…"