Hi guys!
I'm Rafa, and I'm studying science at my high school. We have a great project to do: build an ArduCopter UAV. We've alredy bought some pieces, we've built the body, but, unfortunately, we're not sure if we can use our ArduPilot Legacy with our project.
I read the ArduCopter wiki, but there's only information for the APM 1 and for the APM 2.
We've already bought the ArduPilot Legacy because is the cheaper one, but I see that is very hard to find information about it and we'll buy another version (APM 2 for example) if we have to.
Thanks a lot!
At this time its capabillities are limited, unless you have a very good understanding of the code routines and are able to rewrite portions of the code for mixing and motor control, ect
There are a few people here attempting to do this now, If your project is not involving learning the code in any way, and more focused on building the uav hardware part, then I would advise to find a newer APM that will take the newer supporting code readily available, so your project can be completed.
Learning the code would be a great experience and maybe give you a better understanding of the workings of the controller and its functions, however it can be very time consuming