Ardurover Auto Mode - No throttle


MP 1.2.53


Ardurover 2.41 AR2

After a few weeks trial and error and many, many hours trawling through blogs, forums and discussions, I am on the verge of my first autonomous rover mission. Flight Modes are set up with correct PWMs, Manual and Learning work well with waypoint writing in Learning OK. In Auto mode the steering moves towards the first waypoint but no throttle.

Research yields references to altitude, a possible need to be 10m away from Home and, possibly, the need to be in motion. These all relate to flying an airplane but don't make sense (IMHO) for a rover. I have set my waypoint altitudes to that of Home and moved the rover downrange about 20m but still cannot get throttle action on Auto. Have I missed or misunderstood something?

Any guidance would be appreciated.


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  • Just to confirm, does it work correctly in manual mode? If so, then consider the following: 

    You might check, double check, and triple check throttle and everything is hooked up correctly. I know its a "Duh" point, but I have made noob mistakes in my haste many times and they can be frustrating to track down. 

    Might also check to make sure your ESC is calibrated correctly. Sometimes APM outputs can be a little different than R/C reciver with regards to PWM range (Correct me if wrong). 

    Might check to make sure your throttle channel is correctly set in the Radio Calibration. Perhaps it needs to be reversed, etc. 

    I had an issue where my rover wanted to go backwards around its course even though it worked fine in manual. What I ended up doing was reversing the motor polarity and reversing the throttle channel on my radio. now it works great in both. Perhaps you have a similar problem, especially if your ESC does not support reverse? 

    Just some thoughts. :)

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