Ardurover with "old" ardupilot legacy

Hi all!!!!! Can anyone tell me and help me if it's possible to use this version of ardupilot, legacy, for test it on the ground on an rc car? I have one of this and i never be able to really test it.... i'm so sad!!!!

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  • I'm trying it with the 2.7.1 code to a dual motor systems. I'll let ya know how it goes. I'm mostly using it for the Auto pilot functionality. I have the outputs going into an Arduino Uno to translate to what I need for motor control etc.

  • Admin


    The ArduPilot legacy uses an Atmel 328 that does not have sufficient memory even for the ArduRover "Lite" code which requires an Atmel 1280. You will need either an APM1 (1280) or an APM1.4 (2560) to test the ArduRover code. Sorry.



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