
  • Hello Thomas,
    I'm using apmrover 2.40 with APM 1.0 and have the same problem with snaking.
    Tryed to zero 2 parameters you advice, but it didn't help. I noticed some delay in reaction of the steer after I rotate a rover while holding in my hands. What could cause the problem?
    Thank you!
  • I have the APM 2.5 on a Stampede and am getting a lot of snaking at the default .1 settings. Changed those parameters to 0's and the oscillations remained but at a higher frequency, i.e. shorter, quicker turns back and forth. Changed both parameters to 2 (and then 3) and it still oscillated but at a lower frequency.
    Does that indicate any particular set-up problem?

    Works fine with manual RC control.

  • thanks for your reply. i test it.

    @ healthyfatboy

    but in manual mode i can drive normally. left is left an right is right.

  • T3

    I had a similar issue as well but found I needed to reverse my servo in the MP to get it working properly. You might give that a try too.

  • Admin


    Set the following steering parameters D value to zero:

    Steer 2 Servo set D to 0

    Heading 2 Steer set D to 0


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

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