
New Rover Build


I’ve was into APM 2.0’s approximately a year ago with my hexacopter when I had a radio issue and I then sold it all. Over the last little while I have gotten back into FPV again and I’ve started to build up an Axial SCX10 Trail Chassis that I had, into an autonomous ROV. It is powered by an Axial AE-2 ESC and a RC4wd 35t motor. For the photos I had on Proline Trencher 2.8” Tires but I’m finding my turning circle is the pits so last night I put on my 2.2” Trenchers and it seems to have improved.

Currently I’m controlling the rig with a Dx5e. I do plan on migrating this to a higher channel Tx in the hopefully near future so that I can again have head-tracking capabilities. I currently have the throttle and steering on my left stick as it keeps this straight for when I’m flying aerial platforms as well. By using the throttle it also gives a bit of a cruise control aspect to set the throttle and do other things on straights like manipulate a pan/tilt with the right stick for now.

The FPV setup is from on 900mhz. Noted the Ogpro on the front will be replaced with a 600 lined CCD camera whenever it arrives. The gopro will go back in its case.

I’m planning on picking up another APM to use the rover code to make the rig autonomous. I just need to ensure everything is working fine first. What is the cheapest solution to run the APM code with GPS these days?

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  • Grips, I'm wondering if your 900mhz FPV is going to interfere with the telem or GPS? What are you using for batteries?

    I'm just finishing my Axial Wraith build which still needs FPV bits

  • That is a pretty sweet setup. I would think something like this is probably the cheapest.

    One question about your truck. Does the frame come with the kit? I am looking to build a rover with either that kit or the axial wraith which seems to have more travel but probably not as much surface area for gear because of the articulation of the suspension. toughts? 

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