Problems with Rover

Just trying to get my AGV going and my first attempt went like this, when i put it in auto mode it does half circles towards the first nav point that is close to the tree to the left. It verly give it power to move but at the end of the video you can see i am back to manual and drive it backwards to me. Any ideals of why this is happing, I have sonar off at ths point. I am running APM 2.5 AnduRover 2.20 and MP 1.2.35


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  • Admin


    I am assuming that you are using v2.20b which can be downloaded with the MP?

    When I used v2.20b I had to set the throttle min at 50% so the rover would not go into reverse when in neutral. Also I had to set throttle maximum at 65% to get the rover to move at a reasonable speed.

    You want to make sure that you have calibrated your compass properly and that you have the waypoint radius set at 1 or 2 meters. Did you by any chance setup a loiter at any of your waypoints?

    After discussing your problem with a couple of ArduRover experts, they said that your symptoms are indicative of a possible reversed steering command in the auto mode. In the "manual" mode you use your transmitter reversing function to get the correct steering output from the APM. However, in the "auto" mode you use the "reverse" box in the MP radio calibration screen to reverse the steering. You might try reversing the steering in the "auto" mode and see what happens.



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