Hie everyone. I am having other issues now with my rover.

1. When ever i flick the switch for it to go into auto mode, it reverses, turns several times before correcting itself then going to the waypoints.

2. When it goes through a checkpoint it overshoots, then reverses and starts turning around then after some time corrects itself and then goes through the final waypoint. 

I always wait for the gps to get a lock before setting into auto mode

Does anyone have a suggestion or an idea as to why that could be happening? Thanks.

Here is the hardware i currently have

Apm 2.5

apm power module

CN06 Plus

Turnigy 9x tx and rx

Generic brushed motor esc

It has a skid steer tank steering setup. 


Failsafe setup


Radio Controls setup


Flight Modes


PID Setup


Image of my waypoints


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    • Im starting my rover about 5m in the opposite direction. I should correct that.  I will make this changes and go out and test it again after i repair my rover from an earlier crash.

      Thank you for your help. i will let you know of my progress

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