
    • Thanks very much Patrick. I'll check it out.

      Channels are listed with iwlist so I assume crda is correct. Will check out IW and see if I get anything different.

    • Hi Patrick,

      please send me the config of your hostapd, thanks a lot!

      Yes you are right, since a while we use 4.1 Kernel because of the long term support. Another interesting features comes with 4.1, you can use the power button to shutdown the BBB. The software instruction is already updated: to use Kernel 4.1 since a while. 



      BeagleBone ArduPilot DIY Cape . Contribute to mirkix/BBBMINI development by creating an account on GitHub.
    • I'm curious, is there a way to reliably upgrade the Kernel without reflashing the whole eMMC (as you advise in your instructions)?

    • Hi Larry,

      you can use: 

      sudo /opt/scripts/tools/ --bone-rt-kernel --lts

      to upgrade to the latest LTS RT Kernel BBBMINI use.



    • @Larry

      Yes, apt-get install linux-stuff is considered standard update.
      Nonetheless , Mirko's images are pretty up to date.

      Personnaly I do not flash the eMMC, i just keep it vanilla so I can refer to it in case of doubt or test. I run the system from the micro SD card, and I disable the flashing on the boot/uEnv.txt (edit PRIOR to load on the BBB). Then you can expand the card's partition and get a full 16GB (most of my cards are 16) of space to work with. You can build different system and just swap the cards to experiment with the configurations.
  • I hate answering questions for people who are totally clueless and really don't have the skills for what they are attempting. SO I apologize in advance if I am that person in this case.

    I have ordered the BBB Black and the BBBmini cape kit from Linus. I am sure I can get the real time kernel on the board.

    I plan to use a spare Tarot 680pro hex frame.

    Not so sure about the Arducopter. From my beginning days using the Arduino IDE to compile a version of megapirateng for the Crius board I assume we must have to do something like that here. An include file to edit that has options for frame type, quad/hex/octo etc? Unless the makefile script passes that stuff to the compiler? Also the different versions of the source, like the dual imu etc -- What are the versions that have the word "display" in them?

    When there is a branch like this off of master do changes that the dev's add to arducopter, but nothing to do with the modifications mirko made to use it with BBB, get added automagically or does mirko have to change each new version released by the ardudev's to work with the BBB and BBBmini cape?

    Looking forward to the challenge of this project.

    Thanks for your time.

    • Hi Mike,

      there are some branches in my github fork (dual, display). Dual is for dual imu use (2x MPU9250), the display brach is related to my display driver.



    • Amazing Display Mirko, congratz

    • I'll stick with the basic first and then try to figure out the options. I will want to build the display and use the second IMU but not quite figured out the tree yet. Not sure about your private branch vs the main diydrones part of Github. I can see how to point to it and compile using it but not sure why you have the "standard" bbbmini in the "official" tree vs the dual and display code in a separate area. Sorry I don't even know the right terminology for Github.

      So no response is needed. I'll figure it out eventually, I need to do more study but I have the right direction to go now. Your time is more valuable for coding and ideas!

      ** I think I figured it out from your comments on the display page. You use your fork when developing and testing and then move it to master after you are finished with it. **

    • Hi Mike,

      most of my changes to the ArduPilot code are in the master branch. You should clone ("git clone") the ArduPilot source code, than change to the ArduCopter code dir ("cd ardupilot/ArduCopter/") now you can compile ArduCopter for hex frame ("make bbbmini-hexa"). To start ArduCopter (sudo ./ArduCopter.elf" + paramter for GPS, Groundstation...)

      Thats all.



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