This is a list of tested hardware for the BBBMINI. If you have other hardware in use, please let me know, so I can update the list.
RC Receiver
- FlySky FS-R9B with PPM-Encoder,
- Frsky X8R, via S.BUS, 5V VCC, R4 = 0 Ohm, R5 = not used (open), latest X8R firmware required
- Frsky X4RSB, via S.BUS, 5V VCC, R4 = 0 Ohm, R5 = not used (open), latest X4RSB firmware required
- Frsky D4R-II, via CPPM, 5V VCC, R4 = 0 Ohm, R5 = not used (open)
- OrangeRX R615X, via CPPM, 5V VCC, R4 = 0 Ohm, R5 = not used (open)
- OrangeRX R620, via S.BUS, 5V VCC, R4 = 0 Ohm, R5 = not used (open)
- Spektrum AR7700 PPM, 5V VCC, R4 = 0 Ohm, R5 = not used (open)
- Spektrum Satellit SPM 9645, 3.3V VCC, R4 = 0 Ohm, R5 = not used (open), has to be bind before use
- Turnigy 9x 8C V2, 5V VCC with PPM-Encoder (Arduino nano), R4 = 1k Ohm, R5 = 2k Ohm
- Drotek Ublox NEO-M8N GPS module, 3.3V VCC, (-B /dev/ttyO5)
- Hobbyking Ublox NEO-7 GPS module, 5V VCC, (-B /dev/ttyO5)
- MAX-7Q Ublox Neo-7Q GPS module, 5V VCC, (-B /dev/ttyO5)
- BeStar BN-800, Ublox M8N GPS Module (clone I think but reports as M8N), 5V VCC (-B /dev/ttyO5)
- BeStar BN-880, Ublox M8N GPS Module (clone I think but reports as M8N), 5V VCC (-B /dev/ttyO5)
- Neo 6M GPS module, 3.3 V VCC (-B /dev/ttyO5)
- 3DR USB-Radio connected to BBB USB port, (-C /dev/ttyUSB0)
- 3DR UART-Radio connected to UART4, 5V VCC, (-C /dev/ttyO4)
- Crius Bluetooth Module connected to UART4, 5V VCC, (-C /dev/rttyO4), baudrate must be set to 57600 (AT+BAUD7)
Laser altimeter
- LightWare Optoelectronics SF11/C connected to BBB USB port, (-E /dev/ttyUSB0)
Thanks, Vinicius, could you tell me the value of R4 and R5 please.
An update,
I was flying yesterday for first time and I was with an issue. Sometimes the controls are not been working, for instance, I try a yaw for some degrees and the command was ignored. In first impression was just a Yaw problem, but testing - my total time was around 15 minutes, I see this happens for all commands.
I was looking logs and I didn't see anything wrong, so my next step is first, change the PPM Encoder for a second model, and then use a DR8-II receiver - I ordered some cables to update firmware and can use ppm encoding directly from the receiver.
BTW, this frame is my test frame, so with same setup I tried Crius 1.1, Crius 2.0, Apm 2.6, Naze 32 and the bests results was with BBB Mini - extremely stable and precise - even with this minor issue of control.
Regards and congratz
Hello Vinicius,
can you provide an logfile (/var/APM/logs)? You can try to compile and run ardupilot/libraries/AP_HAL/examples/RCInput (make bbbmini and execute sudo ./RCInput.elf) for debugging. I had similar problems with an old firmware at FrSky receivers.
Hi Mirko, I'm using 2k2 and
I can add three GPS's to the list.
Hi Group!!!
My hardware tested
RC Receiver
Thanks Damian
Hi Mirko!!!
RC Receiver
OrangeRX R615X and R815, via S.BUS, 3.3V VCC, R4 = 0 Ohm, R5 = not used (open)
When I get some spare time I'll also test out my RFD900 radios..... May take me a week or two to get to it.