
  • Another question... can the POI be set to the gps's current location? For instance turn on you quad, let it get a gps lock, then set that spot as the POI? 

    • Well, it's *Region* of interest. And yes, you can effectively do that, but not exactly as you described. I assume you are using DroidPlanner 2 or Tower (aka DroidPlanner 3).

      I'm traveling now so I can't give you a step by step (or test it out) but you would just set an ROI waypoint at the home location and then create the rest of your mission way points. Depending on what you want to do, there are also ways to get it to orbit a spot in a circle or other similar things. You could also use follow me, and set it to orbit. Basically there are tons of different ways to get the Iris+ to swoop and curve around something while it keeps it in frame.
    • Yes using DP. I have a droid tablet but not one with a gps. Any recommendations of a tablet with gps that plays well with Tower? Thx

    • I have been using my Nexus 7, no issues.


    • Richard this may help with the servo project.

      PixHawk and servo control

      POI or Point Of Interest is more commonly referred to as ROI (region of interest)And yes you can set the launch spot as a ROI, you will need to mark that spot in Mission Planner.

      Mission Command List Do-Set-ROI

      Hope this helps,


      Day Four: Bomb's Away!
      Note: This is a series of articles in which we document our attempt to build an autonomous drone for the  Sparkfun AVC .  The previous post ...
    • wow thanks Todd very useful links! I was not aware the 'out' ports on the pixhawk did not supply 5v. That is certainly a reason it wasn't working! 

  • Great! thanks Erik

    I'm trying not to add the weight and complexity of a gimbal and thought I could use one of the pixhawks outputs to control camera pitch with a brushless motor or servo but cannot seem to ever get the pixhawk to move the servo. I've followed the directions in the wiki but no luck. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

    • Wish I could help with that, but I'm not experienced enough yet. Have you tried emailing 3DR support. They've always been super helpful.
  • Keeps aircraft nose pointed at target. Using an ROI with gimbal, it will also tilt camera up and down to keep target in center of frame.
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