How to add MinimOSD to Iris+, Not Iris.

Is there a clear concise set of instructions on how to add MinimOSD to the Iris+? Most of what I have found is geared toward the Iris and you only have to connect to the empty Telem2 port on the Pixhawk. Obviously the Iris+ is using the Telem2 port for telemetry to the RC Tx. There is mention of making a Y cable and I can do that but I don't know what the connections need to be. Is there a diagram and is it really that easy? No parameters to update or anything like that?

A list of what I have


Minimosd v1.1

Tarot T-2D

GoPro Hero 4 Silver

Boscam TX832 VTx

I need to be able to integrate the minimosd into my GPH4/TX832 hardware setup. I may have already stumbled across the correct way to do it somewhere on Youtube or one of the other dozen plus sites that claim to have instructions but they are either very incomplete or appear to be talking about the Iris and not the Iris+. I can't afford to fry a couple hundred dollars worth of equipment trying to figure it out. If anyone had something they could share I'd be very grateful!

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    • Changed video type in the GP to PAL but it didn't resolve the issue.

      Rechecked all the connections and I did have the VIN and GND pins reversed coming from GP to minimosd. Would that fry the video side of my minimosd? Reason I ask is because after reversing that connector I can hear audio coming from the VTx on my monitor while connected to minimosd but I have solid black screen, no flickering at all.

      Connected the GP directly to the VTx and still get video that way so I think the VTx is okay.
    • So Mothers Day is a bad day to try and get something like this done. After reading the instructions above a couple times this is what I can up with.

  • VF...I think you are making this way too hard. First off, have you got Mission Planner up and connected to your Iris? the Mission Planner manual..with already have a HUD with artificial horizon and standard  digital readouts for rate of climb, compass, airspeed ... more than you will get from an osd add on.

    Iris was intended to be flown normally via a control loop from a ground control program via the autopilot/ the pixhawk. the RC controller is terminal control within 100 yards max. This is the  modus operandi for the full size UAVs. The tower app has nice photo shooting maneuvers built in...and you can program your own...just another group to join etc.

    In fact you can project your fpv video thru the MP HUD display if you use a usb-based digitizer of the fpv video...looks very cool...and works like a predator groundtation.  s

    • Thanks David. Yes I have been able to connect to MP. I did the compass and Accelerometer calibration yesterday.

      If I am understanding you right you're suggesting I carry a laptop (or windows tablet) to the field with me so I can run MP. I need to have a solution that mounts to my RC Tx.

      I'm also not sure I understand the statement that the RC controller is terminal control within 100 yards. Are you saying anything beyond 100 yards should be autonomous flight only (not RC Tx signals)? That is counter to every other principle I've heard. I know these birds are capable of BVLOS flight due to the autonomous capability but for now if you can't control it via the RC Tx then we probably shouldn't be flying it unless in a country where that is allowed AND all fail-safe's are verified to work properly. Again, I don't fall into either of these categories so I won't.

      I too am very interested in your set up to be able to run FPV video through the HUD in MP. Could you share more details on how you were able to do that?  

    • Terminal control refers to the secondary control system that the Iris+ has, ie via an RC controller. It may seem unusual that I call the GCS control using a tablet or a computer the primary, but this is how most big boy UAV's are controlled.  The RC controller is used for direct and responsive control when landing or maneuvering around the field after the GCS releases control due to a problem with autoland...or bad weather etc. 

      The IRIS is based on this model....since it can fly BVLOS.  You can see some videos out there of guys turning off the geo-fences and flying some long range missions.  The FAA requires visual contact with the mUAV so you can take over in case of fault.

      You may notice as well that the Pixhawk has fairly sophisticated software and a real time OS....this is the real secret of the Iris...the RC controller is a second control loop, but the output signals still go thru the Pixhawk.

    • Thanks for the clarification. I am familiar with how military UAV's operate. I designed hardware that flew on Tiger Sharks so became intimately familiar with the ConOps of the "real" thing. I guess I still see this as a an RC controlled vehicle that has the capability of autonomous flight not the other way around.

      You're just willing to take more risk is all. I don't mean that in a negative way either. You guys are the reason we are where we are today!
    • Well, look at it this way...RC vehicles rarely have $200 autopilots installed on them unless we are talking about 100 inch span giant scale...and even then, most of those guys fly with stabilizing gyros, not a pixhawk.

      Since you have worked on mil hardware I'M sure you recognize that the Pixhawk is likely export controlled. It`s that capable and well developed.

    • Daivd,

                  I'm interested on how you were able to get the fpv video thru the MP hub.. Can you walk me through it, Not sure what  usb-based digitizer is and how you you set up it through the MP

    • Look in the "CG" discussion topic that VF started....I put the references in there.

  • You need a Y cable for Telem1 port with the Receive only connected and no Tx as the Radio is in control of that.

    This way you will get all the Mavlink data feeding the MinimOSD board that also goes to the GCS.

    The OSD board doesn't need to send any data anyway.


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