interference from front mounted GoPro

Yesterday I had about 1.5 hours of solid flight time on my Iris (Iris+ hardware and FW upgrade to 3.2). Totally flawless autotune, auto mission, loiter flights, stabilize figure eights. Did it all with no problems. There was no camera and gimbal mounted.

I then decided to perform an autotune with the front mounted go pro. The camera was not powered up during the autotune.

After that I decided to fly it around with the go pro front mounted. Stabilize was fine but if I tried loiter it was a pure disaster. The copter would just randomly take off in some random direction. I was always able to get it back under control with stabilize. I did some experimenting and I think it only happens when the go pro is recording. I tried it with the camera powered up and not recording and it seemed fine but I ran out of batteries and daylight. I was also in a tight area after getting home from the other flights. I have used the camera on the gimbal recently with no problems.

I did not have the go pro wifi turned on.

Anybody seen anything like this with a front mounted go pro?


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  • Mark are you able to pull the log's for those flights?

    Todd H.

    • I apologize. Meant to upload them. 197.bin is a file where everything was fine as it usually is.

      200.bin is where I had the issues. It's a lot mode switching, landing, taking off etc. since I was experimenting and recovering a lot. I did notice some huge differential spikes between desired and actual pitch and yaw. 

      Gotta jet off to another city to work for the week. I should be able to experiment some more next weekend.

      This is the first issues I've had with this setup in over 100 flights. Only difference was the front mounted go pro .


    • I apologize. Meant to upload them. 197.bin is a file where everything was fine as it usually is.

      200.bin is where I had the issues. It's a lot mode switching, landing, taking off etc. since I was experimenting and recovering a lot. I did notice some huge differential spikes between desired and actual pitch and yaw. 

      Gotta jet off to another city to work for the week. I should be able to experiment some more next weekend.

      This is the first issues I've had with this setup in over 100 flights. Only difference was the front mounted go pro 


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