Connecting the battery last night (in the dark) with the leads reversed and made a connection. Didn't think it was possible to do that but now I know. Stupid mistake but I didn't think it was possible for the wires to touch unless the orientation was correct.

The lights on the arms have power but nothing else. Connected to the Pixhawk from my laptop with USB and everything lights up as normal. Since I was indoors at this point the HDOP was high so I didn't try arming the motors.

Assuming I fried the power module? Anything else to test before taking it apart?

Will check to see if the motors arm with the Pixhawk powered by the USB connection to confirm the problem or could it cause more damage?

Thanks to anyone who can provide some direction on resolving.

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  • Scott,

      If you reversed the leads and connected the battery you most likely burnt out the 4-in-1 PDB. One quick way to check is to plug in the battery (correctly) and listen to the IRIS+. If you hear a ticking noise then it's gone. It can be fixed but unless your really an expert with electronics and soldering then it's best to speak with 3DR and explain what happened.

    The reason you are still able to power up the PixHawk is because you are sending power to it through the USB port and not via the PDB. Your computer is giving the PixHawk enough to power up but that is where it stops. It will not supply enough to power the motors or much else. The PDB is needed for that.

    Todd H.

  • Maybe the ESC is cooked?  Maybe you should get a meter and try to check ESC input and output voltages.  I assume output is zero since motors don't spin so if is getting input it is fried.

    • Ordered a new ESC on Friday.

  • Soooo, is it alive, or cooked?

    • Green light, motors "arm" but they do not spin.

    • I wouldn't give up complete hope, "yet". Hook her up to mission planner, and see what's what. Try the motor test in Mission Planner. On mine, I have to turn the adjuster up to 10% or my motors do nothing on the test. Let us know how it goes, we all learn from one another. Good luck

    • Motors did not spin.
    • If you use MP or Telemetry radio input, you can arm with the safety on, so they won't spin...

      Silly and I don't mean to say you didn't, but every 5 or 6 times I get excited and arm it with my nexus tablet only to realise, I hadn't turned off the safety. :-)

      You should be able to follow the power circuit and find the magic smoke smell -- probably too late to sniff your board but if you can arm, and your pixhawk is okay, then you know there's "only power distribution" and such to worry about.

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