iris+ water

I was flying my iris+ in a coast cliff and a hard wind caught it and it went strait to the water.. 

when i got there it was bubeling and when i took it out of the water it started to catch on fire... i disconected the battery and it stopped... 

The body is pretty much intacted but i dont know if the engines would run again or if its possible to fix... 

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  • Antonio...what was the wind strength and were you at the cliff edge? The Iris can handle straight line wind, primarily in loiter mode, but up and down drafts at a cliff edge are a different story as the flight controller fights to maintain altitude and attitude. Cliffs are great for slope soaring though.
  • Hose it down with fresh water ASAP. Flush it out again. Leave in a barrel of fresh water overnight. Take it out of barrel. Flush it again and start disassembling it to get at electronics, escs, pixhawk, et ceteris. Give it a good blow job then start going at with "Corrosion X" or if not available use WD40. The idea is to get the salt out then dry it out as best you can. Then start displacing the moisture with something that will help prevent corrosion or rust. Finally put it some where warm and dry for a few days before you put any electricity to it. Obviously if you see some component(s) that are burned or give out a 'burned' smell you'll have to deal with that.

    Best of luck.
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