Need pic of motor connections to ESC

I need to verify my motor ESC connections after resoldering the motors whilst replacing 2 arms.  I am having trouble arming Iris after the repair and want to make sure I have these connected correctly before moving on to look elsewhere.  So if anyone has their Iris+ apart (or has time to pop off the bottom shell) and can get a pic (like I should have done before I unsoldered everything!) I'd appreciate it.  A link to the Iris+ circuit diagram would also work... but I couldn't find it at 3DR.

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    • Thanks, Justin, that confirms the other pic and is exactly how I have mine installed.  But it still just doesn't work.  Won't even go into ESC cal mode.  I think I may have screwed the pooch unsoldering the motor wires in the first place.  I am not used to soldering electronics... macro stuff like car stereos and alarms are more familiar.  Being that these motor connections looked large I used my big soldering gun to undo them and might have cooked something nearby. Nothing obvious but there are some signs of heat there.  I used a small pencil iron to resolder the wires back... should have used that to take em off in the first place.

      So I guess I have several options... buy a new power/esc board for $139 and hope that I can install it properly and hope that fixes it... or send it to 3DR and let them fix it... or get a new Iris+ and keep this one for parts... or sell it for parts and just go Solo.    Hmmmm....

  • Went home for lunch... wires are connected correctly after all.  But Iris won't go into ESC cal mode.  It makes all the usual happy sounds but don't get the cal tone after second batttery connection. I pressed the safety button and continued anyway and it did nothing.  No response to throttle.  I am thinking the ESC is fried somehow... although it wasn't  dramatic crash.  Maybe one of the props hit the ground and overloaded the ESC?  I don't se anything loose or otherwise amiss.  Hard to believe a crash that didn't affect the fragile gimbal would take out the ESC....

  • I recently replaced the IRIS+ ESC board and drew up this crude schematic - the colors of the wires are slightly different, seems they used colored shrink tubing bands on some of the wires for my bird but the color bands match the picture you found. 

    I fried my ESC when IRIS+ got blown off course by severe gusts during RTL and landed in my swimming pool and sank while under full throttle (switched back to STL and tried to fly out of it but too late)...two rows of the ESC short-circuited and  burned before I could fish it from 7' down and pull the battery.  I removed the covers off of everything and peeled the GPS RF shield away and blew the water out/set it in the sun to dry for a week.  After soldering in the new ESC I performed the ESC calibration found here: 

    I've flown once briefly since replacing the ESC and calibrating - everything seems to be working! 


    • I also found a pic that has the colored bands on the wires in the Iris to Iris+ upgrade instructions at 3DR website.  But the picture isn't clear enough to see the bands well or which terminals they connect to.

  • OK, I did a Google search (this forum's native search is not so good) and found it... here on the forum. This is a great picture.  Iris is at home so I can't see her but I am pretty sure I have a couple of wires in the wrong positions.  I'll fix that up tonight and give it another try.  One thing I need to check.. this may be for the original Iris and I need to verify that the terminals on my bird are sequenced and labeled the same.. or not?


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