3DR has been moving stuff around their site since the Iris+ release etc and hidden the old 3DR Iris page.
Does anyone have the old specifications or link to then? I want to run some numbers through ecalc and need the data points.
3DR has been moving stuff around their site since the Iris+ release etc and hidden the old 3DR Iris page.
Does anyone have the old specifications or link to then? I want to run some numbers through ecalc and need the data points.
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Thanks all!
I had listed the values for xCopterCalc here: http://cloud-surfer.net/2014/07/10/3dr-iris-with-gimbal-and-tall-le...
They worked very well for me and accuracy was within a few %.
For IRIS+ I use the following custom motor:
KV (w/o torque): 920
no-load Current: rpm/V
no-load Current: 0.5A@10V
Limit (up to 15s): 230W
Resistance: 0.126 Ohm
mag. Poles: 14
You can try : the internet time machine :)