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3DR Iris


San Diego

Activity Feed

Francis Chan replied to Francis Chan's discussion Compass cal on pixhawk compass strange offsets between compass 1 and 2.
"As an experiment I loaded up the latest APM into another Pixhawk, loaded in the Iris.params, disabled second compass and set compass 1 to internal (since there's no GPS) and ran the compass calibration and got wildly different numbers at:

-81, 238,…"
Dec 22, 2015
Francis Chan replied to Francis Chan's discussion Compass cal on pixhawk compass strange offsets between compass 1 and 2.
"I loaded in the Iris.params and notated the expected param changes:

LOG_BITMASK 26622 to 65535
MNT_ANGMAX_TIL 4500 to 0
MNT_ANTMIN_TIL -4500 to -9000
RC9_REV -1 to 1

None of them suggest I bumped the orient param, in either case I applied the…"
Dec 22, 2015
Francis Chan posted a discussion
I have an Iris that I've put the GPS on a mast.  Orientation is both facing forward.After dealing with APM Planner 2.0 hanging up on getting CoA (this really was frustrating...) I ditched AP 2.0 and switched to Mission Planner to upgrade the…
Dec 21, 2015
Francis Chan replied to John L's discussion Charger Opinions in IRIS
"I have a Hyperion 720i.
https://sites.google.com/site/tjinguytech/my-projects/HP47A for a cheap DIY 12v supply.  I bought 2 from ebay for 20 bucks one is in use, the other is waiting around."
Nov 5, 2014
Francis Chan replied to Francis Chan's discussion Old 3DR Iris Specifications for ECalc? in IRIS
"Thanks all!"
Sep 11, 2014
Francis Chan posted a discussion in IRIS
3DR has been moving stuff around their site since the Iris+ release etc and hidden the old 3DR Iris page.Does anyone have the old specifications or link to then?  I want to run some numbers through ecalc and need the data points.Thanks1
Sep 11, 2014
Francis Chan replied to Ian Worthington's discussion IRIS shopping list in IRIS
"I think if you buy the gimbal separately you won't get the 3DR plate you need to mount?  I remember reading that... there's some 3D prints for a Tarot mounting plate for the Iris if that's the case (~$30 to get printed)

The arms don't unscrew…"
Aug 6, 2014
Francis Chan replied to Ross Carlson's discussion Changing IRIS stock battery failsafe setting from 3.?V to 3.7V in IRIS
"I _think_ this is a parameter.  Through a GCS you can connect the Iris and view/modify the current params."
Aug 2, 2014
Francis Chan replied to Ross Carlson's discussion Does anyone know how to change the IRIS Stabilize Mode settings. in IRIS
"Try tweaking the curves and/or exp, rate on the yaw/pitch/roll channels on your radio before modifying your frame parameters."
Aug 2, 2014
Francis Chan replied to atomz's discussion New IRIS - Broken Telemetry Antenna in IRIS
"This is OT to your question about repairing it... but since you mention it was loose, I wonder if it flopped over and contacted the prop causing it to snap off.  I just check and not all positions will clear the prop.
It may not be a question about…"
Jul 23, 2014
Francis Chan replied to Francis Chan's discussion First draft of 3DR avionic plate for GPS mast and Arduino Uno in IRIS
"Well, here's the update:

Programmed a really basic navigation light setup.  It slowly pulses for now.
Was able to fit all the wires inside the case (took a while to negotiate the wires.  Wished there was better cable management)
Routed all the…"
Jun 22, 2014
Francis Chan replied to Kate's discussion Analog Input with IRIS in IRIS
"I'm gonna assume you have some programming experience.  Plugging in custom sensors, unless explicitly supported by the Pixhawk codebase and ground control configuration will need custom code.
That being said...
The 3DR Iris uses the firmware…"
Jun 20, 2014
Francis Chan replied to Francis Chan's discussion First draft of 3DR avionic plate for GPS mast and Arduino Uno in IRIS
"Nope, not building one.  I already ordered another 3.5A switch step-down regulator but this one looks way easier to get hook up and way cheaper.  Darn.  I'll probably order this one instead and put the one I ordered in my bin of parts.
I was…"
Jun 18, 2014
Francis Chan posted a discussion in IRIS
Slowly moving along this project and thought other Iris owners may be of interest.http://nwind21.github.io/ardupilot/2014/06/14/Avionics-Plate/This is a photo of it "mounted" but I didn't screw it down.  Nylon posts go down to the Iris' top plate…
Jun 17, 2014
Francis Chan replied to Eric Coronel's discussion LiPo charger in IRIS
"The Iris will auto land (or should) when the battery voltage gets low.  I think it's around 10.5 volts.
I leave Droid Planner on and very loud (I prefer this over Mission Planner), it normally tells me bat voltage and I land (or Iris will) before it…"
Jun 16, 2014
Francis Chan replied to Eric Coronel's discussion LiPo charger in IRIS
"For my 3dr Iris setup I went with a Hyperion 730i Net3 charger and converted an old HP server power supply for 12v following TJinTech HP Server PSU conversion.  You'll need to buy some 10-12awg silicon wire from hobbyking and a female banana plug to…"
Jun 15, 2014