Remote control max arming distance?

Obvious Rookie... sorry

I'm only on flight number 12ish but I have a couple questions and would appreciate a reply or two.

What is the max distance from remote to Iris+ to safely arm and fly?

It started beeping at me when I was 60' ish away but it only said I was 2 meters away.

How many flights or what and where should the reading for battery life in the remote control be/read?

Also, after I (assume) hit the geo-fence for height, it didn't "return to landing" but when I (assume) hit the geo-fence for distance, it started to "return to landing" then let me take control (after it came in and went up to 60') so i flew 100' away and it decided to gradually land itself. Should I have just let it originally land?

I haven't updated or re-calibrated for a couple weeks but i'm doing it as we speak.



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  • I can answer the question about battery life.  When you turn on your remote, press the "down" button for a sec and a screen comes up with ALT, SPD, etc.  In the right column, a few down, is battery.  I try to get in before 10.5.  

    A few guesses on the others, "line of sight" is remote line of sight.  If you were behind trees or anything blocking a clear signal that might have been why you couldn't arm.  Don't really know, I'm never that far away.  

    It probably went the max & was coming to land because of the battery, it's a nice feature.  When you put it another 100 yards out, it didn't have enough juice to go back to RTL.  

    • Heller-

      Thanks Heller

      I was behind some obstacles but I got scared and quit before I planned on being a few hundred feet away with a clear line of sight.

      My IRIS+ battery was full and I was only in the air for 3-4 minutes before I (assume) hit the geo-fence and it started the return to landing. Thats why im curious if it could be my remote batteries?

    • Oh!  The batteries in the remote, not the Iris.  You could probably check those somehow in Mission Planner?  Or just swap them out & see if that makes a difference.  Make sure the wifi on the GoPro (if that's what you're using) I turn off all bluetooth items too.  I found out those hefty power lines will erase a flight plan.  

      I also just found out (thanks to this forum) you can re-callibrate the remote through MP.  

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