



Roberts, MT

About Me:

Montana born and raised. Fly-Fish, Golf and now UAV addict...

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Looking to improve my marketing for D-RockBoyz.com


Bob, MT

Activity Feed

Dusty DeVries replied to Dusty DeVries's discussion Remote control max arming distance? in IRIS

Thanks Heller

I was behind some obstacles but I got scared and quit before I planned on being a few hundred feet away with a clear line of sight.

My IRIS+ battery was full and I was only in the air for 3-4 minutes before I (assume) hit…"
May 4, 2015
Dusty DeVries posted a discussion in IRIS
Obvious Rookie... sorryI'm only on flight number 12ish but I have a couple questions and would appreciate a reply or two.What is the max distance from remote to Iris+ to safely arm and fly?It started beeping at me when I was 60' ish away but it only…
May 4, 2015