Thank you 3DR

IRIS+ is up. As someone who has been operating rc's and multirotors for several years now I will without hesitation say that this is a truly an amazing machine. I am really looking forward to using it for my filmmaking and photography.


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  • Nice. I just did my maiden flight with my Iris+.  I have RC fixed wing background, but no multirotor experience.   It handled very well and I ha no issues of control.  I've learned from RC fixed wings with Auto Pilots(APM1 & 2) that Pre Flight checks are a must! Very impressed as well with it's flight characteristics.  It looks like you don't have the standard 2d tarot gimbal, is that a 3D?

    • I am using my Feiyu-Tech G3 2-axis for the time being. The 3 axis will be here tomorrow. Over all I am very happy with the performance of the G3, very stable and hardly any jello. 

      -Todd H.

    • Which 3-Axis did you buy?  Is it working well?

    • I don't know about the original poster, but I am using the DYS 3 axis, which I bought pre-configured/tested and with an add-on mode button (that I NEVER user) from xproheli).  I love it.

    • Thanks Erik!

    • Moderator

      You will not need a gimbal if photogrametry is the end goal.

    • What time frame on the camera shooting pics seems to work best? I guess it depends on what your doing or looking for but just curious what other people set theirs at. 

    • 5 or 10 seconds. Once you have the shot framed how you want, hover in place for 30 to 60 seconds so you'll have 6 to 12 images to select later.

      I prefer the longer interval so I don't have as many photos to go through later... ie all the incidental shots taken on the flight to and from the area I want to photograph.
    • Thanks. Good point. I have an electronic switch on a spare channel that feeds my Mobius that is set to run on with power so I can turn it on or off.  I haven't used it much with video but with doing stills that might be more useful. 

    • I'm realising that now! Still, it is something to consider.  I want something flexible, so I may get one later.  I often travel to a lot of great spots...

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