Unable to download logs from IRIS


I'm unable to download logs from IRIS. When I connect to it in MissionPlanner terminal it keeps outputting strange characters every second. First it prints standard 

Ready to FLY ublox OK

then it prints strange characters like 

QMQH3Qv... and so on, endless sequence, there is also PreArm: INS not healthy text from time to time.

What can be the reason? Other than terminal issue the IRIS works just fine.

Thank you,


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  • Sounds like you have the wrong baud rate.

    Also you can remove the SD card from Iris and get the logs from the card.

    • Another thing, when you first open MP, connect the cable to your computer and your Iris...BUT, do NOT click on the connect button.  Now, go to terminal...IN terminal tab, make sure you select Pixhawk...THEN click on connect in terminal...NOT the place you normally click on connect.  See if that at least stops the strange characters.  With that said, follow Craig Elder's advice below.

    • The baud rate on screenshot is 115200, it works perfectly here for another IRIS.

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