I've added an approximate set of waypoints and a geofence for the example OBC2016 mission to ArduPilot SITL. You can get it in SITL like this:
cd ArduPlane
sim_vehicle.sh -L Dalby --console --map
param load ../Tools/autotest/ArduPlane.parm
wp load ../Tools/autotest/ArduPlane-Missions/Dalby-OBC2016.txt
fence load ../Tools/autotest/ArduPlane-Missions/Dalby-OBC2016-fence.txt
arm thottle
The coordinates are very rough, just taken visually from the supplied image. Please don't use them for anything that needs accuracy.
Thanks for that Tridge.
Could you post a link to the mission and geofence .txt file as well please? Thx!
sure, see this directory:
Super thanks!