I need to know about confirmed operation....
In other words.... When I switch flight modes, How do I Know if it actually does????
My Taranis is telling my it's changing but I would like some kind of feed back from the model that the mode I select is armed....
Is this possible?
Sorry guys... I have been so busy with work and the family!
Yes, I have a Taranis Plus and I've fitted a 6 position rotary switch for my Flight Modes....
When I switch, I get an audible message saying Possition Hold and so on but.....
I would like the Air side radio to feed back and tell me it has been enabled "Possition Hold Enabled"????
Oh man... Thanks for a great response guys....
Sorry, I've been away from my computer....
Maybe I should be more transparent on my set-up....
So, I am flying a 800 size Hexacopter fitted with a X8R receiver and Pixhawk running on version 1.3.34... (I think???)
I also have 3DR telemetry radio and MAVlink...
I do get telemetry working (volts, current, position and so on) but when I switch modes, I just get the radio telling me what switch position I am in.... not what the copter is set to....
There is some more info on the ardupilot.org site here http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-frsky-telemetry.html
and help from developers here http://discuss.ardupilot.org
Hi David
Get ride of your current radio and purchase a Taranis Plus.
The way to go.
He's already got a Taranis, a Plus only adds haptic which is not much help to him in respect to the question he asks.
Hi Mike
Follow this link. It adds all the Telemetry functionality he needs.
That option, along with the original open source version and the functionally superior Android based solutions - all referenced earlier in the thread - will work with his Taranis. Why do you tell him to get rid of it and "purchase a Taranis Plus"?
Or the Tarnis X9E if you want a tray style. I have one and its awesome...
It should beep at every mode change and if you have a GCC in use it will also show on there.
Paul.They do beep at each mode change but the OP wanted confirmation from MAVlink that the mode change had been accepted by the FC.Like the OP I have my Taranis programmed to voice mode changes from the switches which is an entirely different thing.I shall be instigating the MAVlink powered messages when I get around to it for peace of mind although I've never had a cause to doubt the Taranis voice messages yet.It's just powered by MAVlink you will know that the mode change has actually happened.