I'm hoping the this board can help! I feel like I've reached the end of the internet, searching forums and even Facebook, without being able to find an answer. Thanks in advance for any input or guidance.

Question 1)

During a basic circle ROI mission, my pixhawk (DIY) flies around the ROI point with no issues except that the heading is pointed to the next way point vs. pointing at the ROI. I'm running 3.2 and used tower to create the mission. The ROI point is waypoint 2 of 10.

Perhaps I should adjust the WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR parameter? If anyone is familiar with this parameter, I would love an explanation. Specifically, parameter 3 vs the others.

Other suggestions?

Follow me mode (circle) replicates the above results -- the copter doesn't point in my direction but does fly around me perfectly.

Question 2)

Perhaps my issues above relate to my gimbal settings? Does the pixhawk try to pan the gimbal in my direction and then pitch down (i.e. control the gimbal on 2-axises)?

I have a Feiyu Tech G3 Ultra. The tilt works fine when I plug into RC9 and I can control it with CH 6. When I try to plug in the roll and pan servo cable, the gimbal rocks back and forth 90 degrees, non-stop. I also tried plugging in the roll and pan cables into RC 9 individually and using CH 6 on my transmitter to manually move the gimbal -- this didn't work for roll or pan. I repeated the above plugging each into RC 10 and RC 11.

Would the MNT_DEFLT_MODE parameter make a difference?

Looking forward to the answers.

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  • Sounds like your quad is trying to adjust the gimbal to face your ROI point (with success or not) instead od yaw to point the heading as it would  before you installed the gimbal..

  • Hi,

    Depends on the version you are running, what you describes sounds like you might be on AC3.1.5 (you'll need additional ROI's set between the waypoints, if on AC3.2 then no need for it and then you have an issue).

    I believe most of what you asked for is answered on: http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/mission-planning-and-analysis/miss...

    Additionally for Q2, for anything besides pitch you'll have to wait until the gimbal controller provides feedback to the pixhawk, I think the Storm32 boards can do it and I think in AC3.3 they are looking at using that data.



    • Thanks, Chris -- really appreciate your help. I just checked and confirmed running AC3.2.1.

      I've read that page many times... I guess I just don't understand what the difference is between "face along GPS course" and "face next waypoint". Does follow-me mode auto adjust this parameter when initiated and adjust back to default once follow-me mission complete?


      What about the paramater: MNT_DEFLT_MODE? I've read the descriptions but don't really know what the difference is between them. RC, Mavlink and GPS point?

      Just to confirm, the pixhawk DOESN'T automatically adjust the pan/yaw of the gimbal to point it at an ROI? Said another way, the pawhawk always adjusts the heading of the copter then adjusts pitch?

      Sorry if the questions seem dumb, just want to eliminate possibilities with certainty as I try to trouble shoot...

      Anyone have any ideas why I can't control pan and roll on my Gimbal when I plug into pixhawk? I've triple checked my inputs and output RC channels. Pitch works on channel 6, roll & yaw don't (Pixhawk parameters adjusted accordingly).

    • Hi Shaun,

      Face Along GPS Course and Face Next waypoint are very similar, but where Face Along GPS Course differs is that if the craft is blown off course then it will adjust the heading along the gps course as Face Next Waypoint will stay at the same heading (so slightly offset from where it is really flying).  Due to the way AC works I dont think you will be 'blown' off course to much to make much of a difference.

      The MNT_DEFLT_MODE I think was introduced in AC3.3, so do you have it as a parameter in the AC3.2.1?  This is the mode it will use when not on a 'mission', which can override it's behavior.

      My understanding is that in the next release it will yaw the mount to the right location, at present it doesn't, it relies on yawing the aircraft to the ROI.  I could be wrong but so far that's what I'm experiencing.  You could always try AC3.3 but remember it is a beta release so flyer beware.....


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