I have set up 3 quads now but for some reason after installing a new pixhawk on this quad [ that flew fine with another pixhawk ] I cannot get rid of this 'bouncy' quad. I have tried auto tune, high pids, low pids and nothing seems to fix it. Here's a video link on you tube. Sorry it's not great kinda hard to do yourself. Here's a log too. ps I accidentally bumped auto tune mode by mistake for a second disregard that. The pixhawk is mounted securely with gel pads. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!! 

1100 kv T- motors
11.1 v 3c batt
all in one 30 amp esc
10 x 4.5 props
you tube link

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    • yea 4.5 or so is were I usually have them. I was just trying different things. If I go to 3 it acts sluggish. I wonder if the esc's need adjusted. I don't get it though because I have set up a pixhawk on this frame with these motors and esc's before without this problem.

      I'll do a fresh install from scratch when I get a chance. 

    • Yes, but looks that your P and I rate roll and pitch are high too, try to low that too.

  • Looks like you might need to mount the pixhawk on a more vibration absorbing material.
    • No it's mounted on gel pads same as 2 other set ups I had that were fine so I can t see that being the problem. 

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