Problems, Hints, experience, comments on the new PIXHAWK3689246135?profile=original

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  • Magnetic declination *should* only effect the orientation of compass, not position, but shouldn't hurt to set it right. SBAS was the only GPS option available that sounds like it *could* effect the position. But I would verify that it is reporting some position first. Otherwise there is GPS_TYPE, which might be close enough in protocol to report something, but not get translated right. And there is SERIAL3_PROTOCOL and SERIAL3_BAUD (for GPS port), but I would expect that to cause no position (or 0.0/0.0) reported.

  • It has just been suggested to me to manually do the magnetic declination. What is the GPS_SBAS_MODE?

  • If using Ardupilot, check out GPS_SBAS_MODE. "Disabling SBAS may be worthwhile in some parts of the world where an SBAS signal is available but the baseline is too long to be useful"

  • That's a good point, unfortunately I'm by myself at the moment and it's nightime with kids running round the street letting off fireworks so I can't drop it off down the street and come back to the computer to see. I'll have to do it tomorrow. One thing I did notice although it probably has no bearing on it, is that the image used in mission planner is an older one than that I'm using in Google Earth. I'm wondering if there is a setup I've missed in Mission planner. I've recently updated mission planner, but I don't know if this problem was there in the previous version. Sorry, sounds like I'm rambling.

  • Heh, I can understand redundancy, but that seemed excessive... And a completely different set of potential problems. Is the offset consistent? Or in other words, are you sure they are reading, and not just reporting a last known position? If YOU move some distance (100 ft or meters, whatever), does the pixhawk also report it?

  • LOL. No, they where all activated separately and none were operating together. I noticed the problem with one, then tried the other two in turn all resulting with the same Long and Lat position. So although they were all totally independent they did give me exactly the same location position.

  • 3 GPSs together? If so, what happens when you try one at a time? Two at a time?

  • Hi Guys
    I have a curly one that I can't figure out.
    I have just noticed (before I was about to do my first full autonomous flight) that all three of my pixhawks GPS's although different makes read exactly the same for my location, however they are all reading an additional 28deg 33'71" long and 12deg39'05"lat compared to both my iPhone GPS and Google Earth location.
    It has me totally stumped. Am I missing something really obvious here? If I program them with any waypoints, I'll never see them again.
    Love to hear any and all replies.

  • hi,I am a Chinese user of pixhawk. For some reason, I cannot watch the video on the pixhawk site. So I don't know how to connect the signal lines of the pixhawk airplane. Is there anyone who is willing to send a picture which can tell me how to connect these lines.My E-mail is I spent several days to calibrate the throttle. at last I found the throttle is No.4 output signal but not No.3. Then I got a new problem. I found there was no signal in No.3 output.I don't know why.thanks for help.   

  • thank you

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Making a phototransistor cable for Canon S110

I want to make a phototransistor cable for my S110 to attach infront of its red eye LED light and connecting it to pixhawk in order to imporve the geotagging process. But I am fairly new with electronic, wiring and soldering stuff.Thus I need help and guidance on how to properly make one. I want to know is this the right connection for me to make the cable.Any help is really appreciated. Thank you.

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Hexa with Hobbywing X8 motors

Hii am building a hexacopter with1.) hobbywing x8 motors2.) flight controller pixhawk PX53.) battery 12s 22Ah4.) wheel base of around 1800mm5.) estimated weight around 17kg without payloadi am looking if anyone has already tuned this type so i can get a head start. looking forwardthank youMike

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Hi,Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can do some operations like:takeoff,left ,right,forward,backward…and i am not using GPS…Can anyone please help me…

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Flashing in Pixhawk

Hi everyone,Recently I've got my first pixhawk CUAV v5+. I'm amazed to see one thing that through one USB port only we can flash code and read the logging data. To understand how is it working I started looking schematic but didn't understand anything. Can someone please tell how is that working?

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