Hi everyone,
I am pleased to announce a Linux autopilot to comes powered by ROS. As shared in the main thread, Erle-brain is sold at 269 € and puts together a BeagleBone Black (rev. C) and the PixHawk Fire Cape in a single package that weights about 75 grams and includes 25+ sensors. The hardware designs are open to anyone that wishes to improve them.
The autopilot has a 4 GB eMMC flash memory that comes pre-flashed and provides:
- Linux 3.8 kernel compiled with the PREEMPT option (best results we measured)
- Debian Wheezy file system
- ROS Hydromedusa
- mavros ROS package
- APM running natively in Linux (and linked with ROS through mavros)
- preconfigured daemons for launching everything automatically, WiFi dongles support
Refer to http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/erle-brain-an-open-hardware-linux-autopilot for more details.